Writers, Authors, Content Creators and Copywriters

Purposeful Practice

Whether you’re just learning how to become a freelance writer or you’re a seasoned pro, you know that there are far too many distractions these days. Social media. Home schooling the kids. Taking care of family. The current health crisis. You name it, it’s overwhelming out there.

When you’re distracted and overwhelmed you’re not at your best and that’s when things begin to slip through the cracks. Mistakes are made. Deadlines get missed. As freelance writer, when this happens it gets noticed. And, it becomes harder to get assignments and that means your writing career could be on the line.

Get Started

If this sounds like what you’ve been been experiencing, welcome to the club. I’ve heard this from so many of you lately. I get it. Right now, there’s just too much going on. That’s why having a daily “Purposeful Practice” can help you to focus and deal with all those distractions so you can make fewer mistakes and consistently meet your deadlines without being overworked or overwhelmed.

I’ve designed this video series to be quick 1-3 minute videos to help you get those Mojo juices flowing so, you can get past the overwhelm, stay focused and writing with purpose.

In this video series here’s some of what you’ll discover:

  • Why the right mindset is far more important than the right skill set when it comes to landing assignments and meeting your deadlines
  • The real reason your pitches get pitched and how to change that
  • 3-ways to create your own purposeful practice to help you to tap into your creativity
  • What could be unconsciously affecting your ability to land high paying gigs
  • Which success rituals work and how to create one
  • Why the dreaded routine could be the best thing for you and your writing career
  • Passion alone isn’t enough to create a freelance writing business
  • The 3 things you need to focus on each day to keep you moving forward
  • The 5 essential steps you should put in place to help you control the controllable
  • And much more….

Are You Ready?

Click the “Let’s Go” below then fill in your name and email. Next, watch your inbox for your daily email with access to your Purposeful Practice video series. So you can begin to control the controllable, stay focused, and meet your deadlines without being overworked and overwhelmed.