How-To's,  Mindfulness,  Purposeful Practice

Control the Controllable

Is what you want, what you want? Or is it what someone else wants for you?
Knowing the difference is crucial to your success in life.

SL Taylor

When we start out on any new path, there’s always so much to do. Without knowing how to control the controllable, you can easily become overworked and overwhelmed. This can quickly lead to losing all the joy and excitement you once felt about your new adventure. Next thing you know, you’re burned out and giving up before you ever got good and started.

In every new venture, there are a litany of things that are going to be out of your control. And when you get right down to it, there are only two things that are within your control. Your Actions and Your Attitude. Learn how-to control these and you’ll be on your way to eliminating a lot of stress and anxiety you feel.

Learning to control the controllable by taking creative action is the key to helping you move forward. Exactly what is creative action? Creative action is different from just running around like a chicken trying out everything that comes your way. Creative action comes from a place of knowing where to put your focus and what you can control.

​Focus and Control

When you focus on only what’s within your control-your actions and your attitude, you’re able to better see a clear path forward. And, explore that path without unnecessary distractions dragging you down every rabbit hole you come across.

I do my best to live by the mantra…I cannot control the actions of others. I can only control how I react to them. I use this in both my business and personal life. It helps me to define where I put my focus so that I’m not drawn into ever evolving self induced drama.

Knowing that most everything is really out of your control is hard. Especially when you’re a Virgo. But, knowing what you do have control over-your actions and your attitude, can give you a real sense of empowerment.

Gaining control over your attitude is going to be harder than gaining control over your actions. Because, once you’ve changed your attitude, your actions will most likely fall in line with your new outlook.

​Shifting Your Attitude

It’s not just about having a bad attitude, that’s certainly part of it. It’s more about allowing situations outside of your control to control you, leading you to be overworked and overwhelmed all the time.

Shifting your attitude is doable but it can take some time and definitely will take some effort. Below you’ll find a list of 5 things that might help you shift your attitude so that you can focus on controlling the controllable and moving ahead one baby step at a time.

1. Take Creative Action. Creative action is different from regular action. Regular action can be chaotic. Being busy for the sake of being busy, doesn’t allow you to accomplish much. Creative action comes from a place of clarity and knowing exactly what you’re trying to accomplish.

2. Begin with the End in Mind. Taking creative action one step further, you should begin every new project with the end in mind. Knowing the exact outcome you want will allow you to take the necessary steps and plan accordingly.

3. Mindset Is More Important Than Skill-Set. Practicing Mindfullness can help you eliminate the thoughts and feelings that hold you back from moving forward. Mindfullness is a meditation practice that can help you let go of the negative random thoughts that can run wild in your mind. By eliminating the negative self-chatter you can be open to new ideas and new ways of moving ahead.

4. Surround Yourself with a Positive Like Minded Tribe. Writing and creating can be very lonely and isolating. It helps to have to have others to brainstorm with, that you can talk to about frustrations, and that you simply have a good time with.

5. Don’t Let Every Task Become Do or Die. It takes time to make a solid plan, achieve your goals, and create a long-term sustainable business. Stressing over every insignificant detail isn’t worth it. Learn to be happy with perfect imperfection. Nothing in the universe is perfect. So striving for perfection is futile. It’s important to do the very best you can, and come to understand that’s all you do.

​Getting Crystal Clear

The next step to learning to control the controllable is creating a crystal clear vision of what it is that you’re trying to achieve. In order to get clear, you must know exactly what it is you do want. Knowing what you don’t want isn’t enough, you have to know what you do want, then act upon those wants. Sounds a bit like a Spice Girls song doesn’t it?

But you can’t move from point A to Point Z without a crystal clear vision. I’ve created a short workbook: Getting Crystal Clear. How-To Know Exactly What You Do Want.

When you download the workbook you can work through some exercises to help you let of the things you can’t control and focus only on those that you can. Once you’re able to control the controllable you’ll be well on your way to creating your ideal writing business.

A wife and proud pet-parent to dogter, Lilly Lucy Rose, who has more issues than Vogue! Shonda helps authors, writers, bloggers, content creators and copywriters control the controllable so they can stay focused, meet their deadlines, and create a profitable business all without feeling overworked and overwhelmed. Her preferred pronouns are she/her