How-To's,  Mindfulness,  Purposeful Practice

Gratitude is a Lifestyle

Whenever you’re facing any form of resistance, gratitude has the power to quickly dissolve it. This is true whether the hindrance comes from inside of you or outside of you.

Peggy McColl

Gratitude isn’t about throwing down some turkey with family and friends once a year. Gratitude is a lifestyle. It’s about learning to see that all the things that happen in your life do so to teach you something. And it’s up to us to learn to be grateful for these lessons.

When you learn to be grateful for things that most people see as problems or annoyances your life and business runs along much more smoothly and with much less stress. Feeling gratitude is the most important thing you can do to manifest your desires.

When you are grateful, you’re not resisting the good that is coming to you. In fact, you’re actually attracting more of that good into your life. Gratitude starts the whole manifesting ball rolling. By feeling grateful for the things that you already have or even the things that you desire, you’re thinking positive.

Gratitude is a Lifestyle

Feeling vs Being

You’re happy and in harmony. You’re intentionally feeling the feelings of being grateful and you’re allowing the good that comes from those feelings into your life. Notice I didn’t say by Being grateful. You have to really Feel the feelings of gratitude.

Live the life of someone who is genuinely grateful for all the things they have. Remember it’s your feelings that make it all happen. Your feelings are your link to controlling the controllable. So you must get in a place of feeling before anything can or will happen.


This is where keeping a Gratitude Journal can help. As you make entries for the things you’re grateful for learn to look past the obvious. Be grateful for those tings that most people perceive as a nuisance. For example, let’s take having a flat tire.

Yes, it’s annoying and it’s a real pain the backside. But, by being grateful that you were able to get off the road, or that you could call for assistance, or that someone stopped to help, or that you or someone with you knew how to change a tire you’re showing that you’re connected to the right emotions, faith and joy. Feeling these emotions keeps you aligned with the right vibrational energy.

Let it Happen

You’re learning to live a lifestyle that says I’m grateful for everything. Now, you must learn to relax and let life come to you. Keep feeling grateful, see yourself as someone who is able to see past the obvious. Write in you GJ daily about your feelings and the lessons you’ve learned. To help you get started download your free My Gratitude Journal-30-Days of Feelin’ Gratitude.

If you get impatient, skip a step, or begin to stress when things happen you’re setting up resistance. Think about it like this, worry, impatience, and frustration are all negative emotions. Negativity closes you off from anything good. So now, you’re resisting. By doing the above things instead, you’re taking positive creative action.

You’re in essence saying I’m relaxed, I’m sure, I believe and I’m ready to have good things come to me. I know without a doubt that it will happen. You’re taking the steps to make it happen and this will put you into a vibrational pattern that will attract positive people and situations that you can be grateful for.

So when it comes to living the life you truly desire then be grateful for all that you already have. Gratitude is the soul of the universe.

A wife and proud pet-parent to dogter, Lilly Lucy Rose, who has more issues than Vogue! Shonda helps authors, writers, bloggers, content creators and copywriters control the controllable so they can stay focused, meet their deadlines, and create a profitable business all without feeling overworked and overwhelmed. Her preferred pronouns are she/her