Meet Shonda

“When I say work I only mean writing.
Everything else is just odd jobs.”

Margaret Laurence

Passion. Purpose. Persistence

To be a writer takes more than passion. It takes having a purpose and knowing exactly what that purpose is. And, more than anything else…it takes persistence. Lots and lots of persistence.

For most of us writers, the passion part comes easy. We live to write. The passion to put words to page courses through us with unrelenting desire. It’s a need that can’t go without fulfilling.

Most of us have had this need for as long as we can remember, even if we put it on the back burner to pursue other things, like career and family. The passion to write always lurks just under the surface until we can no longer ignore it, and we have to figure out a way, any way, to get words to page.

But, simply having the passion to write isn’t enough. That is, if you want to turn your passion for writing into a profitable business. If you’re simply looking to write for fun, or journal, then tapping into that passion may well be enough. But, if you’re looking to turn your passion into profit you’ll also need to have a purpose for your writing.

Shonda Taylor

Defining Your Purpose

Defining your purpose can be one of the toughest thing you’ll do as you start out. But, its essential that you understand your words are important. They carry a lot of weight. People can be driven to act on words alone.

There are those who tend to take the words they hear and ingrain them into their core beliefs. Words have inspired wars. Words have inspired peace. And, words have inspired everything in between. So, having a direct purpose for your writing is imperative.

That purpose will shape how you write and the content you produce. It will also determine the audience you reach and the message they receive. But, purpose goes even deeper than that.

Defining your purpose will allow you to keep writing, even when writing gets hard. And, it will get hard. Some days despite all the passion you can muster, you’ll sit down and stare at a blank page. Lost. Not a single idea, not a single word will come.

Just lost.

Knowing your purpose will help you get through those tough times. It will give you a jumping off point so you’ll be able to put words to page and eventually break through that block and write. But, and yes, there’s another but…passion and purpose are only two parts of the writing puzzle.

Persistence Equals Profit

The third and maybe the most important part is you must have persistence. Persistence is what will keep you writing when all else fails. Persistence equals profit when it come to creating a business. And, unless you’re producing content, you won’t have a business for very long.

This job of writing is a hard one. Critics are everywhere. And, it seems these days no one follows Mom’s advice, “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” The internet is full of people who want to bring you down, and that’s where defining your purpose and cultivating your persistence is a life saver.

In order to create a writing business you’ll need to have a plan. And, you’ll need to execute that plan regularly to see results. You can’t allow a set back or rejection to keep you from moving forward.

Most writers whether new to the field or seasoned veterans don’t need much help with finding their passion. They also don’t need much help with writing. But, what they may need help with is defining their purpose, making and executing a plan, and tapping into that persistence they need to keep them moving forward and making a profit from their writing business without feeling overworked and overwhelmed.

I Can Help You…

• Get clarity so you can define your purpose as a writer
• Control the controllable
• Create a plan so you stay focused
• Develop a mojo mindset so you gain the confidence you need to keep moving forward despite any rejection and/or setbacks
• Meet your deadlines without feeling overworked and overwhelmed
• With an honest assessment of where you are and what you need to do to move forward
• By giving you the value of my years of experience coaching and mentoring others just like you
• Design a life and business that brings you peace, happiness and success

Free Resources

If you need any help with any of the above check out my blog and articles for lots of free information. Or, click here and check out the free resource page where you’ll find lots of helpful resources. I’d love to hear form you too, comment and let me know what you think.

Work With Me

But, if you feel the free info isn’t enough to achieve your goals check out the coaching section and see if any of those offers resonate with you. Also, feel free to reach out with any questions. I’m here to help.


Shonda is a Certified Professional Coach, Author, Speaker, Freelance Copywriter, and Content Creator who for more than decade has transformed the lives (and businesses) of 100”s of authors, writers, bloggers, content creators and copywriters who have enough passion to create life changing volumes, but struggle with clearly staying focused and conveying their message.

She’s honored to be a number one best-selling author who’s work has been featured on CNN, CBS, NBC, Fox News, and in The Boston Globe, Miami Herald, and The Fort Worth Star Telegram.

Shonda struggled with debilitating fear. She was so afraid of being seen as fraud in the early days of her business that for two years she wouldn’t even try to get any clients. But, the one thing that she came to understand during that time is, when it comes to stepping up, having the right message and the right mindset is far more important than having right skill set.

A wife and proud pet-parent to dogter, Lilly Lucy Rose, who has more issues than Vogue! Shonda helps authors, writers, bloggers, content creators and copywriters control the controllable so they can stay focused, meet their deadlines, and create a profitable business all without feeling overworked and overwhelmed. Her preferred pronouns are she/her.