
Determine Your Purpose for Writing

Write What You Love
You must be willing to put you in your writing.

As I’ve said in the past, most writers don’t really need help with the process of writing. It comes natural to them. Being a writer is in your blood. There are few things more intimate than putting word to page. But what they may need help with is determining their purpose for writing.

Defining your purpose can be one of the toughest things you’ll do as a writer. But, it’s essential that you understand just how important your words are. The words you choose and the way you use them matter. They’re the difference between making a connection with your audience or not.

Your purpose will shape how you write and the content you produce. It will also determine the audience you reach and the message they receive. But, purpose goes even deeper than that.

Defining your purpose will allow you to keep writing, even when writing gets hard. And believe me it will get hard. Knowing your purpose will help you get through those tough times. It will give you a jumping-off point, so you’ll be able to put words to page and eventually breakthrough that block and write.

“One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.” ― Jack Kerouac

Defining Your Purpose

Your purpose will also define how you show up in your writing. When you come to understand the Big Why behind the reason you write you’ll be able to communicate more clearly with your audience. You’ll inspire them to take action, but more importantly, you’ll begin to create a relationship with your audience that can bring about change at a deep level.

But in order to do that your audience will need to feel they’ve come to know, like and trust you to help them transform their problems, their beliefs, or their imaginations. Along with defining your purpose, putting You in your writing can be one of the toughest and even scariest things you’ll do as a writer.

It’s important to be authentic. However, don’t force it. Because your audience will also be able to tell if you’re being inauthentic and that can lead to losing any type of trust of you’ve managed to build. You don’t want it to be “all about you” but you do need to share with your audience your vulnerabilities and your real purpose for writing.


When you suspend your judgments and write from the heart you’ll connect on personal level. Your audience will instantly feel that connection as if they’ve come to know you. Authenticity can create a bond that will have your audience seeing you as their go-to expert.

One way to create this kind of rapport is to tell stories in your writing. Draw on your own life experiences. Share your journey. Show empathy. Let your audience know that you understand what they’re going through. People aren’t looking for perfect, they’re looking for someone who they can relate to. Who understands what it’s like to be in their current position.

Write to chat. Write as though you’re a having a one-on-one deep level conversation. Use common words and phrases. Avoid miscommunication at all costs. When you show your audience that you understand where they current are, it will a whole lot easier to help them to get where they need to go.

A wife and proud pet-parent to dogter, Lilly Lucy Rose, who has more issues than Vogue! Shonda helps authors, writers, bloggers, content creators and copywriters control the controllable so they can stay focused, meet their deadlines, and create a profitable business all without feeling overworked and overwhelmed. Her preferred pronouns are she/her