Success Words
“The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs.”
-James Allen
What you believe about creating success in your life and your business may just determine how successful you are. The truth is, no matter whether you’re extremely successful or not, if you’re focused on success, a large portion of your thoughts are all about your how you can be more successful.
The real difference between those who are extremely successful and those who continue to scrape by is that those who scrape by really don’t understand just how to create success. In order to create success you have to fully believe that you can and then take action. If you actively seek to create success, you will. If you passively seek to create success, you won’t.
Actively seeking success means that you first must believe that you are already successful. No matter whether you are or not. Your mindset must be in “I Am” mode. You have to think like the successful do. You have to have the confidence not only to look for opportunities but also to jump on them as they come your way. Once an opportunity passes you by, you may never have that opportunity again.
If you continue passively seeking success you’ll simply continue to scrape by. Passively seeking success simply means that you are allowing all your opportunities to pass you by. You have to change your mindset to “How can I create more success, instead of “I’ll never be as successful as they are?”

Changing Your Mindset
Success or failure are both just mindsets. What you believe you are…you become. You can’t allow whatever choices you’ve made to this point dictate how you move forward. What you can do in this very moment right now is make the choice to move forward. Not remain stuck in your current mindset.
Moving forward will take passion. It will take having a defined purpose. It will take persistence. It will take the ability to try new things. It will take the desire to change. It will tapping into your unlimited potential.
But above all, it will take conviction. The unwavering belief that you can do it. If you can find these qualities hidden somewhere deep within yourself then you’re ready to begin “talking” yourself into creating the success you desire.
In Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich he says, “All achievement, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea.” To create this idea you must first decide exactly how much success you want to achieve and by what date you wish to achieve it.
Make this a challenge but not something so outrageous you’ll get frustrated and quit before you see any results.
Now take a 3×5 card and write on the card, the exact amount of success you’d like to achieve and the date which you expect to achieve it. Also, write on the card, “I AM a success. I actively seek opportunities from which I can create success. I intend to be successful by this date.
Success Words
Carry this card with you, memorize it, and repeat your affirmation with feeling several times a day. Repeat it loudly enough that you can hear it. Make it the first thing you say upon waking and the last thing you say before going to sleep. These “success words” will soon burn their way in to your subconscious mind.
Using affirmations will help you to start thinking from a position of success and stop thinking from a position of failure. When it comes to creating success, we generally devote most of our thoughts to how hard it’s going to be to obtain it. This type of thinking just keeps us stuck. We don’t ever, pardon the over-used phrase, think outside the box. We just keep rolling with what we know.
And once the ball starts rolling we find ourselves so buried in a failure mentality that we can’t dig a way out. Affirmations help to clear a path. They break up some of the negative energy and allow some positive energy to flow.
By focusing more and more on the positive energy, you notice that things will start to change. You’ll begin to feel a vibrational shift that will allow you to create positive situations. Your subconscious mind will now be more focused on the new positive beliefs and discard the old self-limiting beliefs.
You can’t simply expect anything to change if you say an affirmation for a few minutes a day and then continue your negative thinking. Remember changing old habits can take lifetime if you let it. But, if you’re committed to making the change, it can happen very quickly. Results will come as fast as you choose for them to.
Continue to say your affirmation and as you do make a definitive plan. Then start to look for opportunities that will help you to work through your plan. Opportunities are everywhere. You just have to learn to recognize them and be ready to take advantage of them when they come along.
As you see more and more opportunities arise your plan will finally take shape. The people, the places, and the things that you need to create success will begin to fall in to place. Once these things fall in to place it’s time to put your plan into action.
Once you change your mindset from passive to active you’ll soon believe that you are successful and the more you believe it the more successful you’ll be and the more success you’ll continue to create. Stay true to your plan and keep affirming to yourself that what you believe you are, you are.
Need More Help?
If you need more help changing your mindset then download a copy of my e-book Passion. Purpose. Persistence! Setting Yourself Up For Success